
Recent Minutes

SELKIRK RECREATION DISTRICT minutes June 25, 2024, 5pm

  • MINUTES, REVIEW AND APPROVE May 28, 2024 Patrick moves to approve the minutes, Steve seconds, approved.
  • FINANCIAL REPORT/CHECK REG/ 276,165.02 Patrick moves to approve the check register, Steve seconds, approved.


  • Summer Shuttle shuttle starts on the 29, we can’t put the window in the shuttle van as it comprises its sides. Spires asked for workers comp documentation from ICRMP.
  • Summer Trails approval for uphill trail on Schweitzer property was approved.


  • IHD Update north lights condo development has asked IHD if they would be willing to take any fill for the main road. Pend Oreille Peddlers and Sandpoint are working with IHD to create a bike crossing at the POP parking area and add signage.

ADJOURN 5:50pm

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